

Julio Velazquez-Elder Tyler Blanchard
Po. Box 1486
Presidio, TX 79845

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 9 (Anáhuac, Mexico)

My mission has been going really well, I am learning a lot and learning fast. This week has flown by for me as well, I can't believe how fast the time has been flying.

The food here is amazing and there is always so much. It is hard not to just keep getting more. There are a few members that make great food every time.  It is hard to describe what I am eating a lot of the time, and it looks strange at first but it always turns out to be pretty good. 

I'm going to start asking people during lunch about their conversion stories, and maybe I will understand enough to recognize important things in their stories, haha. You are right, it isn't important what is said only that something is said and how it makes you feel. This week we had around 26 contacts, or people we met on the street and received addresses from and I started them all. It has been good because usually I don't say much or anything at all in street contacts. This week we tried to talk with everyone we saw, it is not only good for getting new investigators but also for improving my Spanish.

I usually start with something like hello, how are you? We are missionaries, my name is Elder Blanchard, and this is my companion. what is your name? Something like that.  In the MTC on the day before we left we had a big long class and the teacher said that if he was on a bus and there was someone to talk to, in order to break the ice he would say: "So you are here on a bus." Or, "So, you are walking your dog." He said it always worked and started a conversation.

D&C 62:3:  Nevertheless, ye are blessed, for the testimony which ye have borne is recorded in heaven for the angels to look upon; and they rejoice over you, and your sins are forgiven you.

That scripture is really cool, I like it a lot thanks for sharing. I remember hearing in the MTC that if someone rejects our message it is ok because we have planted a seed that can grow within the person and prepare them for another set of missionaries.

I am able to feel the spirit in my life. Especially in the beginning I was not able to understand much (during lessons with investigators, or lessons given to us by Pres. Chavez, or sacrament meeting) all that I could do was sit there and soak in the spirit, kind of marinate in it I guess. it has been a great opportunity.

Thanks for sending the pictures it was really cool to get to see everyone. Glad to see you guys are still running. I am so out of shape here, we have to run sometimes to get back to our apartment on time, in order to not break the rules. I am fine for the first part but I am exhausted after. I can jog at a nice pace for quite a while. We got bikes so that has helped me get in shape a bit, but the tire of my companions bike popped last week and we have only been able to use a couple of times.  I had to work real hard to keep up because my gears sucked and were stuck on a really low setting.

The Mexican people are really nice, they always listen to what we have to say even if they are not interested, and they always wave to you. I couldn't remember the name of my little city or the main city next to it either. It is: a-now-walk (anahuac my area) and c-wow-tey-moc (cuauhtemoc city next to us). The names of the people are impossible to remember for me, haha. They sound nothing like anything I have ever heard, and they are way long.                                                                          
Love Elder Blanchard

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